Electrical and Process Engineering

Narag Energy Solutions provides Electrical, Renewable Energy and Process Engineering Services. We have the Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency Certificate to undertake Electrical Installation Contracting Works (EICW), including transmission, distribution services.

Our expertise in Electrical, Renewable Energy and Process Engineering includes the following:

  1. Electrical Installation
  2. Instrumentation
  3. SCADA Implementation and Integration
  4. Operations Application Development and Implementation
  5. Process Automation and Control
  6. Asset Management and GIS Mapping
  7. Process Audit Services
  8. Project Management

SCADA & Process Automation and Control Services includes the followings:

  1. SCADA/HMI Design and Installation
  2. Process Control Design and Configuration
  3. Supply and Configuration of PLC
  4. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) Selection and Installation
  5. Installation of Communications Network
  6. Maintenance of SCADA System
  7. Real time Operations Monitoring
  8. Facility Upgrade and Automation